What is Aries?
Aries is the variable and fire element. Mars is the lord of Aries. Sun is high in Aries and Saturn is low. The natives of this zodiac have a shorter body, slim but compact, colour-like wheat, but not a very smooth. The hairs of the head are somewhat dry. Good-looking and has sharp eyesight. The people of Aries zodiac are fast, moody and angry. The power and courage of these people is amazing. They are big producers and do not like to work under anyone. They are also fearless and fearless and do risk work with great efficiency.
They have complete knowledge related to fights, battles etc. His heart is large and his mind is borrowed. Generosity, impeccable service is their ornament. Because variable is sum, it is variable. They leave after listening to them. They understand that they are at the forefront of intelligence and knowledge. If the Aries zodiac gets into anger, he gradually calms down. Willpower is very strong. After completing the work, leave it. It is better to work independently. Khushamad likes them very much and considers criticism very bad. They are in a hurry in every task and that is why there is no success in the work. There is complete interest in starting the work but not as interested as before till the end.
Overall, they have shrewdness, skill, judicial acumen, tenacity and full courage to face others. Courage, generosity and self-respect are also amazing. Along with religious feelings, love is also given to artifacts, beauty test, melody, painting, cinema etc. It is very easy to get work done by blessing an Aries person.
Love hurries friendship but it is not permanent. They help a friend but friends envy them. This is the reason that they become enemies but they are not lost. Marriage takes place before 28 years. If the position of Mars and Venus is not right, then marriage takes place in 29 years. Family and child’s suffering is lessened. Aries is a variable zodiac like to stroll. They are fond of wandering in remote and good places. In the works of courage, soldiers, police, rule, rule, surgeons, doctors, machines, cast iron and other metals and achieve success in engineering. These doctors, in general, earn more fame in police and military. They are engaged in business till the age of 22- 28 years.
The economic situation is variable. Land is also property and we also build houses ourselves. Business and partnership benefits are fast. There are expensive ones and sometimes spend extravagantly. Many times lie are also started. In childhood, there are interruptions and difficulties in progress, due to which there is less happiness in childhood. They are sharp in studies and participate fully in sports. There is more interest in technical education, doctors and fine arts. Siblings have less happiness but they give them complete happiness. Aries is the number one zodiac and its lord is also a factor of Mars brothers. In this way, if Mars is in or around the lagna or in the 12th or the second, then it grows in brothers.
People of Aries are usually afraid of headaches, fever, and head injury, scar of upper part of the throat, haemorrhage, eruption, stomach defect, swelling and gas in the feet, blood pressure, arms and fire. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 36, 42, 45, etc. are important years of age. Important events related to studies, jobs, marriage, child development etc. happen in these years. On the day of Mars, the colour red and the number 9 are particularly auspicious; only the digits 3 and 6 are more important. If there is 3, 6, 9 in the date of birth, then the marriage is disturbed and the household life becomes pleasant at times.
It is okay to wear coral and other red coloured rattan. Keeping a red handkerchief like a rata-colour, gives the same results as wearing a coral.

What Does 2022 Holds for You?
ARIES: For the people of Aries, from January 1, 2022 to January 15, due to being in the eighth house with the zodiac lord Mars with Ketu, differences with relatives will create the possibility of having estrangement and debate with friends. From January 16, Mars will remain in the place of luck, so that luck will support and opportunities for advancement will be available. There will be opportunities for profit and advancement in business. Self-confidence will be developed by growing business, luck will support you completely.
From February 26, 2022, Mars transiting in your exalted sign in Capricorn in the tenth house will increase your honour and prestige and will make you successful in state related works. Makes you the possibility of getting success in political work also. Being in its exalted zodiac, there are chances of winning in court cases and winning from the political side as well. Being exalted in the tenth house, Mars increases the place of work, due to which interest in religious works will increase but will bring changes in the nature, due to which you will become angry. From April 7, 2022, Mars will transit in the eleventh house in Aquarius, so that there will be some changes in the field of work and honour and prestige will also increase. Business will be good during this time and there will be no money related problems, you will get good profit through your children. Family atmosphere will also be pleasant. In this time, you can come out of the old financial crisis.
From 17th May 2022, Mars will transit in 12th house with Jupiter and Venus, due to which there will be increase in expenses and chances of being mentally disturbed. There are chances of physical pain and taking loans. During this time, you will be more troubled by stomach related problems and someone may also face problems in your maternal life. From June 27, 2022, Mars will enter Aries that is in its own house, so that you will get good benefits. Yoghs are formed to get rid of physical diseases. There will be improvement in bad works, there will be an increase in valour and freedom from all business troubles will be done at this time. But anger may remain high during this time because Mars is the fire element planet which can increase your anger. You will get freedom from all the money related problems during this time.
From August 10, 2022, Mars will transit in the house of Venus in Taurus and will transit in the second house in your horoscope, so that you will have more money related problems. You will not make good profits in business at this time and if you do a job, then you may have to face a lot of problems at the workplace at this time. Due to the full vision of Mars on the eighth house, physical pain will also remain with you during this time. You may have more stomach related problems. Yoga’s are formed in this time of fight, so do not use abusive words to anyone in the mood of anger, so that there will be a rift in your relationship.
From 16 October 2022, Mars will transit in Gemini and in the third house in your horoscope and the full vision of Mars will be on the ninth house in your horoscope. In this time, you will be more worried about family problems, especially there are chances of being more worried about children. Domestic situation will be worrisome at this time. There will be loss of money in this time or being cheated by some secret enemy. Mars will transit in Taurus from 13th November 2022. Family problems will increase due to Mars retrograde in it. There will be obstacles in some well thought out plans. Change of place and fear of unknown will remain. The mind will remain restless and dissatisfied.