What is Pisces?
Pisces is the female and dual sign by nature. This zodiac sign water element and gentle by nature. Pisces signifies the north direction. The caste is Brahman and the color is brown. The Pisces zodiac sign is more powerful in night and their variance place is water. The lord of this zodiac is Jupiter. Venus gives high results and Mercury gives low results. The height of Pisces people is moderate, sometimes short stature. The color of this zodiac sign people is clear and the forehead is wide. These people are strong, light and soft black hair, strong body, but it has been seen that the person of Pisces is sometimes fatty and loose body. They are good looking and they are sweet and soft spoken. It is a dual-nature zodiac sign, thus there is discomfort in their mind. They are honest, imaginative and luxurious persons. He takes great care of his honor. They have a spirit of authority.
They are efficient to talk softly with friendly. Thus in these people there is no feeling to take revenge from anyone. They are very generous and donate freely and help by giving money. In this way, this is also a cause of many losses. They are very happy by giving donations or money. This zodiac sign have siblings. Generally there is an elder sister. They are great helpful in family life. Separating from their siblings and family, they fall into disorientation and always yearn for them. People of Pisces wants beautiful wife / husband.
They have this longing in their minds. He likes only the intelligent and skilled wife in literature art. Their nature is also skeptical. Two marriages are yoga. Because their nature keeps changing, so their wife has to fear accordingly. Household life is happy. Sometimes due to change of thoughts and suspicious nature, some tornadoes also arise in the calm ocean of domestic life, which also have an effect on children. They have more children and there is definitely a boy and a girl.
Because they are equally capable of multiple tasks, they earn a lot of money. In this way, they donate with an open heart and also help by giving money. Being skilled, they also change their work easily. These are good actors, musicians, doctors, ministers, in politics, managers of banks, treasurers, in-charge or head of big donors, importer and exporter. They also become traders of goods made of liquids. They earns good money from government permanent jobs especially in the Navy.
There is also a sense of business in them. They also spend, but learn from them how to handle money. In ordinary natural order 12th house is the house of this zodiac. If the planets like Rahu sit in the 12th house or the Jupiter sits together, then the congenital has to spend a lot of money on the household activities. Trips are long and common. Many times in life one has to stay out of the house. Pisces people in the years of life 1,3,5,6,7,9,10,12,15,16,19,21,,22,22,24,25,27,29,30,35,36,37,39,42,45,51,52,57,,59,60 and 63yrs Special events like education, marriage, children, business, health, business advancement, job, job promotion occurs. 12 years of age is of special importance to them. Their health is good and average. But they remain happy.
Male congenital can suffer with some sexual disease and female can suffer with some skin disease. Disorders such as heart disease, eye disease, foot sweating, fever, hemorrhoids, hernia, low hearing, lack of essential elements etc. They also get used to drinking. They enjoy drinking at night clubs etc. Thursday and the number of 3 is auspicious for the people of Pisces. The number 9 and 6 is also equally auspicious. His auspicious gemstone is yellow sapphire. Wearing yellow sapphire in gold on Thursday in index figure is beneficial for the congenital of Pisces.

What Does 2022 Holds for You?
Pisces: For the people of Pisces, being in the twelfth house from the beginning of the year, the lord of the zodiac will become a means of subsistence income despite a lot of struggle. Family problems may bother you more at this time. Due to the family, there will be unnecessary running and excess of expenditure. Due to the sight of Mars and Saturn in the month of February, there will be more running and sunshine in the work business. With the benefit of money, the expenditure will be more. You will spend more on religious works during this time. Avoid traveling at this time. In the month of March, the Sun and Jupiter staying in the twelfth house will give mixed results.
There will be obstacles in the work being done. Changes in work, expansion plans will be made for you at this time, due to which your expenses may increase. You will be especially worried about children at this time. In the month of April, initially you will get mixed results, but from April 13, with the entry of Jupiter in Pisces, you will establish contacts with highly reputed people. This position is considered to be a Raja Yoga factor, your self-confidence will be good during this time. Family situation will improve. You will get all the pleasures with high quality vehicle, land vehicle etc. In the month of May, due to the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the Ascendant, you will get the means of getting favourable money. Students get the chance of achieving success in higher education. There will be an increase in wealth, child-related happiness and prestige by luck.
In the month of June, suddenly the means of getting money will increase and if you do a job then you will get opportunities for advancement in the job. But due to the conjunction of Mars with Jupiter, due to excess of anger, there may be estrangement with friends at this time. In the month of July, due to the conjunction of Venus Mercury in the third absence, there will be increase in worries and wasteful expenses. Beware of secret enemies as enemies may try to harm you at this time. With the help of a special friend, you will be able to win a long-standing court case. Due to the retrograde of Jupiter in the month of August, you will be able to get monetary benefits in spite of obstacles and obstacles. In spite of facing conflicting situations in the business sector, you will still make a fair profit.
In this time, there will be fear of trouble from secret enemies and injury due to vehicles etc. Take care. In the month of September, Sun and Venus staying in the sixth house may have to face many ups and downs in business. There will be trouble due to health problems, abdominal disorders and old age disputes. In the month of October, with the help of friends, you will get accomplishment in any difficult task. The means of earning money will continue to increase. There will be peace in the family and there will be opportunities for happiness. In the month of November, due to the Sun being in the eighth house in the debilitated zodiac, you will have more health-related problems at this time, but you will get good money at this time and you will be able to do good work in the business field at this time.
Enemies will not be able to stand in front of you at this time. In the month of December, there will be a favourable change in the circumstances and the fighting power will be strong. There will be an atmosphere of happiness due to the sudden creation of any bad works. There will be an atmosphere of happiness due to sudden financial gain, children and completion of any work related to wife.