What is Scorpio?
Scorpio zodiac is even, female and stable. This zodiac signifies the water element, nature, and the north direction. The Brahmin caste and its ruddy colour is red. The Scorpio zodiac sign is glowing in the night, water and insects are the places of variation. Mars and Moon, the lord of Scorpio, give bad fruit in this zodiac.
The people of Scorpio zodiac have medium height, sometimes small but compact and balanced body pockets, strong, long and wide face, short and thick neck and black curly hair. The colour of the Scorpio zodiac gives a savage appearance and sometimes looks yellow. Individuals are brighter and more attractive. Jupiter with zodiac sign has sharp intellect, playful nature and idealist. Are stubborn and sure of their tune. Willpower is strong, warm, independent thought and courage is great.
They fulfil their rights and do not understand even after persuading others. There are those who work with endurance, but the nature is very bitter. Whether there is a possibility of victory or not, we move forward by crushing the blockage. Whether there is a possibility of victory or not, we still fight till the end. Imagination is good and intuition is attained. Be adamant on your point and do not let anyone talk before you. Not afraid of reading in terrible and frightening tasks. Once the anger comes, they never forgive and keep the feelings of violence for a long time and take vengeance by causing ruthless harm to their adversary. Pleases satire on others. They have their own interest and disinterest.
The tongue is sharp and they only have their attention. Knowing the differences of others then also tease them. The feeling of revenge is strong in them. Educated and educated are skilled and patient in every task. What is the date today less educated are quarrelsome and fussed. Also interested in religious works. Such people continue to dictate to others in things. Even if it is quiet, others remain afraid of them. He rarely talks about the mind and keeps making plans while keeping it inside. He is scared of silence. If you talk about being happy, then it feels as if you are getting scolded and getting angry.
Siblings are rare. They themselves do not grow up and are usually older than them. Less than sisters. Any one of these is threatened by water or high altitude. It speaks less and the enthusiasm is fulfilled. That is why, if you have read this, then you study fully and study science, dokery, engineering, etc. There are also frequent interruptions in studies. If it is bored then the study remains incomplete. One also gets secret knowledge and spiritual learning.
Marriage takes place but is usually late. The happiness of the first wife is less and the second marriage has to be done according to the planetary position. The life of a householder is happy, but if all the members of the household follow the orders of the wife. Tragic events occur in married life due to violent behaviour. They are also victims of sex and have relationships with women other than their wife. Such natives are also inauspicious for the father and adversely affect the health of the mother. Marriage takes place from 24 to 29 years of age.
The enemies of Scorpio zodiac are permanent and many. They also get a lot of friends. The grace of high-powered and empowered people prevails over them. They become big men due to their hard work and ability. The first part of life is a struggle. Politicians, critics, engineering, machine work, chemistry, insurance work, police, army registrar births, foreign residents and doctors are very good. Scorpio indicates the eighth house according to the natural cycle, which is the cremation ground. Therefore, doctors with this zodiac sign have the ability to survive. If the planet’s position is unfavourable and the lord of the zodiac sits on Saturn with Mars, then the thief, the robber, the violent, the fuss interest becomes strong. Trips are considerable and benefits are reduced. If the trips are not planned then there is a loss.
Those 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 35, 42, 45, 53, 54, 55, 58, 62 years of age are important in life. Important incidents related to education, children, marriage, business keep happening. Due to overwork, irregular diet, excessive eating, stomach disorder, headache, pulse weakness and pain. You can suffer from Bhagandar disease and may have to undergo an operation. People with Scorpio zodiac sign may have stomach problems, skin diseases, diseases below the waist, haemorrhoids, slight fever and acute pain.
The female number 9 on Tuesday is auspicious for the Scorpio zodiac. Red colour is also auspicious. It is okay to wear coral jewels on Tuesday, 9, 18, 27.

What Does 2022 Holds for You?
Scorpio zodiac: For the people of Scorpio zodiac, from the beginning of the year, due to the communication of Mercury and Saturn on this zodiac, opportunities will be available for progress in business. From January 16 to February 26, Mars will be in Sagittarius. Due to the presence of Mars in the second house of Venus, money related problems will remain during this time. There will be problems in business, tension and differences in the family. Expenditure on unnecessary works will continue to become a means of subsistence income in spite of obstacles. You may also have to face health-related problems during this time.
Your stomach may remain bad at this time. From 26 February to 7 April, Mars will enter its exalted sign in Capricorn. Staying in this zodiac will give opportunities for sudden wealth gains and progress, increase in might and respect will also increase at this time. People’s cooperation will be good with you at this time. Luck will fully support you this time. You can get good benefits at this time in political work and from the government side. You will get success in court cases also at this time. From April 7 to May 17, Mars will remain in Aquarius. Due to the presence of Mars in the fourth house, you may have to face problems in business at this time.
There may be a fight with the wife at this time and there will be conflicting situations at this time. From May 17 to June 27, Mars will remain in Pisces. Due to the transit in the fifth house, you will get good benefits from the side of the child at this time. Will be Business will also be good for you at this time but your health will not be good at this time. Anger may come to you more at this time. From June 27 to August 10, Mars will be in Aries.
You will get freedom from disease during this time. Enemies will not be able to stand in front of you. You will get success in all your endeavours during this time. Luck will favour you completely. There are chances of promotion and some changes in luck. Special and complicated tasks will be completed with the help of new people. There will be opportunities for advancement in business and foreign travel can also be yours at this time.
From August 10 to October 16, Mars will remain in Taurus. Your family life will be full of confusion during this time. There may be differences and fights with the wife. There may be delay in marriage related works. But during this time your confidence will increase and you will get victory in government work. You can get a government job at this time. There are chances of you getting money suddenly. From October 16 to November 13, Mars may have to face health-related problems due to being in Gemini. You may have to face high blood pressure, stomach related problems during this time. You will get good profit at this time in business.
Your financial problems will go away. You will be plagued by family problems at this time, due to which you may suffer from mental stress. From November 13 till the end of the year, Mars will remain in Taurus. With the sight of Mars on the Ascendant, there will be benefits from money-benefit, land-property related works. Anger and excitement will be huge. Before the auspicious sight of Guru, pilgrimage and interaction with relatives will increase.