What is Taurus?
Taurus zodiac sign is the earth element. House and gentle, the owner of the south direction, the Vaishya caste, and the colour is white like curd. Venus is the lord of Taurus. The Moon is in this zodiac sign. The people of this zodiac have medium height, frontal wide, shoulder wide, well-formed and thick, eyes shiny, hair black and curly at times. Sometimes the mouth is thin, the body is heavy. People of this zodiac are proud, arrogant, angry, flare-readers, cool in themselves, fond of eating and drinking, and being cool in their own tune is their special quality. Taurus and the Earth is the element zodiac. They have a lot of stamina and patience. They are hardworking and work for a long time. If they are teased more, they become angry and spoil them all, putting the teaser in harm and difficulty, and then do not come in quick control and calm down after a while.
Go and look for opportunity. They are stubborn. Persistence and strict knowledge are also their special qualities. If they are given any work with love, then they do it themselves and get the praise of the doers. They have a lot of memory and they are jealous, they are happy after moving around in the physical world. Keep anything in mind for years, do not call and do not tell your mind to anyone else until their purpose is fulfilled. It is their duty to fulfil the given goal. They have to do a lot of work in life themselves. Excellent food, fragrant things, good clothes, also do well for the sake of others, lovers of singing, luxuriant and skilled in work practices. Takes more interest in collecting worldly pleasures and wealth.
They are also generally stingy in spending money.People of Taurus do studies with dedication and hard work. If the planets are in good condition, then with their dedication and hard work they succeed. It rarely happens alone. They have siblings. If there is a pair of brothers, the parents take great pride in them and increase the respect, respect and wealth of the parents. Love relationship, friendship is strong and lasting love and affection of friends and family, they get love. In this way, dignity is good in society. These are good good spouses. Household life is in bliss. They have a lot of attachment with their place of birth. The husband and wife get along well, but if there is inauspicious effect on the ascendant and the position of Venus is not right, then these transgender are also erotic.
In my experience this has often come up. If Venus is with Rahu in the third house, then apart from the wife, a comfortable relationship with a woman becomes easy. If Venus is sitting with the Moon in the fourth house, then both these planets are female planets, such a person will have 2 women in the house or will have a relationship with a woman other than her own. Marriage lasts for a simple 24 -25 years. Care is needed towards children. Specifically, special attention needs to be paid to the son. Trips have to be done to earn money. Diseases and sorrows have to be suffered many times during the journey. Because Venus is the owner of this sign and it is a stable sign, it does the business of luxury items, cream powder, jewellery, gems, and decorative things.
There is a special interest in agriculture and manual work. Goldsmith shops, hotels, actors, musicians, film producers, society and public servants also achieve success in maternity home, nursing home, departmental officer and army. We get property and the financial condition is good. If the position of the planets is adverse then it becomes lazy and has a bad effect on the economic situation. 15 years of age, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 39, 41, 42, 45 years, years of special importance like studying, marriage, job, child etc. Are important. Very fond of food and drink and often eat more. Due to irregularity of diet and over exertion, many times become healthy. Afraid of water. Eye diseases, throat, nose, and upper lung diseases, skin, muscles, stomach gas, indigestion also occur. Many times urine starts coming in intermittently, and also gets rejected on the organs.
The day of Venus, curd colour white and number 6 is auspicious for them. The number 3 and 9 and the light yellow colour is also favourable. It is auspicious to wear a little finger in a diamond, aluminium or silver ring above 2.5 ratti should wear on Friday. Panna and Firoza will also be auspicious.

What Does 2022 Holds for You?
TAURUS :In the year 2022, due to the transit of Rahu on this zodiac and the sign lord Venus in the eighth house, there will be obstacles in the work made due to the communication with the Sun, Mars etc. You will have to take special health precautions during this time. Your expenses may also increase during this time. From January 12, the rise of Venus will continue to create a means of subsistence income, despite the obstacles.
From 30 December 2021 to 26 February 2022, Venus will remain in Sagittarius, so that there will be a trouble in the family tomorrow due to unwanted relocation. Unnecessary travel, mental stress can remain. From February 27, 2022, Venus will enter in the luck house in the Capricorn zodiac there will be an increase in respect and prestige. There will be opportunities for sudden gains in business. Luck will support you completely and there will be an increase in you might. You will get victory over the enemy at this time and you will get success in all the work at this time.
For Taurus sign from 31 March 2022 to 27 April 2022, Venus will transit along with Jupiter in Aquarius in the tenth house, due to which this time will not be good for you. You will have to face difficulties and adversity at this time. You will suffer from family troubles. From April 12, Rahu will transit in Aries and will transit in the twelfth house in your horoscope so that enemies will be dominant over you. You may have to face defeat in legal matters at this time. Enemies will trouble you during this time and debt situation can trouble you at this time.
From 27th April 2022 to 23rd May 2022, Venus will remain in its exalted sign, which will result in sudden monetary gains. Being in Aries from 23 May to 18 June 2022, you will have to face obstacles in all the work, the expenses will also be high. Expenses on vehicles and entertainment will be more.
From June 18 to July 13, 2022, Venus will transit in Taurus in its own house, so that there are chances of sudden monetary gains, increase in honour and improvement in bad works. From 13 July 2022 to 16 August 2022, Venus will remain in Cancer. Due to the sight of Mars at this time, you will get subsistence money in business. There will be an atmosphere of unrest in the house due to unforeseen expenses. You will have more domestic problems during this time.
From 16 August 2022 to 15 September 2022, Venus will remain in Leo. Due to the retrograde vision of Jupiter on Venus, it will become a means of subsistence income in spite of great difficulties. There will also be opportunities for increase in might, travel to the place of religion and happiness of the family. From 17 September 2022 to 16 October 2022, Venus will remain in Virgo. During this time you will not come in contact with people. You will get rid of debt.
From 18 October 2022 to 11 November 2022, Venus will remain in Libra. Venus being in its own sign creates the possibility of improvement in bad works, chances of getting bad work and getting money suddenly. The chances of getting good news from children are also strong in this time. Interruption in marriage. Due to house affliction, there are chances of mental disturbance. From 6 December 2022 to 28 December 2022, Venus will be in Sagittarius. Due to Venus being in the house of age, there will be trouble due to health problems, sexual diseases, physical problems and stomach related disorders.