Yellow sapphire (Pukhraj) is a precious rattan. It is also called Guru Rattan i.e. the lord of it is Brihaspati. Yellow Sapphire is the hardest rattan after diamond and rubies, but it is also soft at the same time. That is why utmost care is taken while craving it. It has different names in different languages, it is called Pushp Raga in Sanskrit and Pukhraj in Hindi. Topaz is mainly of 5 colors – 1. Turmeric color 2. Saffron like saffron 3. Lemon peel 4. Gold color and 5. White but yellow for freckle. According to ancient scriptures – the pure and exalted topaz yellow thorn, weighing when taken in hand, is free of spots, transparent, smooth, punchless, soft, and shiny like the color of a Champa flower. This is a rattan that increases tuberculosis and fame, fame and happiness. Its history is also very ancient. According to the Stop Acharya Varah Mihir, when the skin of the caste Rajbali, Himachal Pradesh, he was converted as Pukhraj.